I wanted to create this page because I get asked a lot of questions about what I do and what I think about stuff. Instead of creating a post about one thing at a time maybe I’ll just create a large FAQ section.
If I don’t know the answer I will do my best to find it or at least back it up with some evidence.
I have a feeling this will be in random order so don’t freak out.
If you have a question please contact me and I’ll do the best to answer it here
I get excited about a lot of technologies and TOS is pretty awesome for what it can do. However, for fast-moving day trading, I don’t recommend that platform right now. It’s a bit laggy and the fills aren’t that great. If you are just a general trader and speed isn’t that important Think or Swim is a great product.
The ultimate goal is five days a week. I’m happy with four but anything under that I start to feel not as good. Exercise is critical to the day to day lifestyle I live. Keep in mind there are always ways to find time to exercise.
I have over 100 email accounts being used for several different reasons. I do have about 10 different Gmail addresses and I will most likely have more in the future. It’s one of the best ways for emails to actually get through to your visitors.
Probably my most widely used piece of software. I can honestly say I use it every day. I see people shying away from it because of the hefty price tag. Maybe when you just start out this will be the case but if you start using it you won’t want anything else. I’m not even using it enough. There are so many things you can do with it. Future Article for sure.
Yes, I watch a few sites in real-time but I wish I had better skills when it comes to tracking the sales process. I plan to use the analytics for more than just a search tool in the future.
It’s been rising to the occasion for many years now. We still have a long way to go but once we get some serious momentum more states will get involved. It will be an interesting ride that is for sure.
Yes, I’ve now had it for over a year and a half and it’s treating me really well. It will be a tough decision when it comes to my lease being up. We shall see what happens when the time comes.
Yes, I was in the process of building a new design for one of my existing sites and their support team really came through and helped me out. I will continue to recommend them as a top web host.
Currently, I still have accounts with both TD Ameritrade and ETrade. I started to trade options a little bit lately and I do have to say the ETrade platform is not all that great.
I still monitor what I eat and although I’m not fully running on ketones right now I shouldn’t have any issues making the switch. I also try to avoid heavy carbs. I still enjoy my coffee with heavy whipping cream and butter every morning.
No. It starts to get really expensive after a while. If you are comfortable with the topic you are better off writing the article yourself.
You can make a site in less than an hour. Depending on what you want to do with it. It doesn’t take long to create a website.
Bourbon or whiskey will not kill the Corona Virus on contact. However, if the virus is in your mouth and you drink the bourbon it could wash it into your stomach where it will die.