Are you interested in making more money? Are you looking to fund a house payment, take that long-awaited vacation, start a college fund for your kid – or just trying to make ends meet? That’s why you are here, right? Everyone could use a little bit more cash in the bank.
However, making money online is not the easiest thing to do. How do you get started, where should you focus your attention? I am here to help you any way I can. I’m going to be share real-life examples, potential ideas, and just some plain old motivation.
I’m going to go over several different factors that go into finding ways to supplement your income online or maybe even replace your current income. Since the inception of the Internet, people have been earning a good amount of money online.
Collecting a paycheck from a new business venture online isn’t as easy as it sounds. There are many factors that go into determining what you will do and how much effort you will put in. Many people are willing to start the process but never get past a point of solid returns. Just like when people go on a diet or want to stop smoking, they have a tendency to give up after a few weeks or if they don’t see results immediately.
My goal is to get you over the hump. The success on the other side comes with a lot of work and effort but it’s worth it.
Top Five Things You Need to Consider
There are definitely more things to think about than the five items listed below. However, these are some of the items that I find to be very important. I’m looking at both the short and long run of your digital marketing or online business. I wish I had these little tidbits when I started.
Always Go the Extra Mile During the Research Phase
When you are just starting out, it’s really hard to determine what path you should take. If you do a lot of research on multiple ideas, you should see the benefits in the long run. A lot of people come up with some great ideas but never pursue them. What they find out about their idea will most likely sway them from pursuing. This is both good and bad. It may help you avoid a long battle, but it may also keep you away from something you care about.
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An Estate Sale that Changed My Mindset
Working in the reseller space means encountering plenty of garage sales, estate sales, and auctions that turn out to be a bust. However, I recently stumbled upon an estate sale in my niche that was the kind of find most resellers dream about. It was purely by chance that I even made it to this […]
Clean Sky Energy Scam – Penelec Playing Dumb
An electricity bill that’s skyrocketing well beyond what your neighbors are paying is a red flag no one should ignore. I’ll share what I discovered about my electric bill, what it looked like, the steps I took to address the issue, and the outcome. Please don’t fall for their tricks. It all started when my […]
Selling on Amazon – Is There an Opportunity?
Getting started on Amazon has been an interesting process, and I’m looking forward to sharing it with you. While the full story of how I got here will come in a future post, I want to focus on what it took to get my account activated and make my first sale. I’ll outline the steps, […]
You have to set goals that are reachable early on. Avoiding disappointment allows you to develop a strong set of skills to go after loftier goals later.
Don’t Give Up to Early
I found this over the years to be one of the most important things. Just getting started or thinking about making money from a nontraditional source can be daunting. This is why most people give up and don’t see their project through.
You can come up with a million ideas, but if you’re not willing to stick it out you won’t know if it will be a success. Just creating a cool website is a good example of this. Owning a piece of real estate online doesn’t mean people will come. It helps to have all the bells and whistles on a website when it’s successful, but there are many other factors that need to be decided on when starting.
There have been plenty of sites that failed that had large budgets. Some had huge marketing campaigns that are now worthless. You really don’t know if you are going to be successful until it happens. Measuring success is also something that can be discussed later.
Giving up at the wrong time is the worst thing you can do. Sometimes you just have to stick it out and keep working harder.
Learn From Experts
Not that I’m an expert by any means, I wanted to add this since it was valuable for me and still is.
Through all my successes and failures I used many resources online. From websites to YouTube channels there is a ton of good information available for both free and purchase. There are a lot of successful people out there because of what they provide to others.
Mentioned earlier, one of the main reasons for helping others be successful is to help make me more successful. Remember with all the good people out there, some will tout very expensive products that are not worth it. I will do my best to share the products and services I use and why. I’ve bought services and hosting products that were total trash. If I can help you save your money, I will.
Don’t be Afraid to Take Risks
This goes without saying. If you decide to create an online business you’re taking a risk.
There are two main risks involved in a new business. One – The time you put in. You may learn a lot from the time you put in, but if your project fails, you’ll never get that time back.
Two – Monetarily you can end up losing all the money you put in. How much money you put up front will not determine if you’re going to be successful or not. If you decide to go for it, you’ll have to carry some kind of risk. Don’t be afraid.
Always Keep Adjusting with the Times
Since the beginning of the Internet, things have changed dramatically. What worked back in 2004 might not work today. Like most things, you have to keep evolving with the times.
There are plenty of things that still work that need to be taken into consideration, but overall, stay on top of what’s changing in your industry and learn from this. If you fall too far behind your business will also fall. As you develop as a digital marketer, you will come up with tons of new ideas. It’s very important that you don’t get lost or stuck on one idea. Just because you think it might work doesn’t mean it will.
Just remember, if you’re going after a certain idea that isn’t working, keep trying, or add new ideas in the mix to supplement. If you have any feedback about which niche you should get into or some ideas you’d like to discuss, please contact me. We can go over them in greater detail via email, social media, or Skype.
I’m always open to listening to what you have to say and hopefully we can help each other out along the way. Maybe we can all live the best life someday.
Please feel free to reach out with Any Questions.