The month of December was quite interesting in terms of Daytrading. I had a really killer start to the month, a flush mid-month, and a nice comeback near the end of the month.
Although I was up for the month, there were a lot of things I could’ve done better. My risk management was in check, but I let two bad trades work me down a small spiral. The good news is, I regrouped myself and got back to what I know. A few days later I got back more than half and almost made new highs. I took a few crappy losses during the holiday week, but overall I’m okay with the way December went.
I feel like I’m starting to find that consistent groove and I’m looking forward to what 2021 brings.
Listed below is my breakdown of most days trading in December. There is no doubt that each day was a learning experience.
December 2020 Intraday Trading Feelings
The first day of the month turned out to be a Tuesday. On December 1, 2020, I was a bit sluggish with my trading and missed several trades. These included rule 29 and rule 29.1 trades. Stocks like AMD, SOL, VVPR, and ALT were all missed and needed me to press the buy button.
I was fortunate to find a couple of trades in KSS, AMD, and EARS. These helped me make $100 on the day. Although the day could have been better I was happy to start the month on the right foot.
On December 2, 2020, a Wednesday, Hump Day, I had all winning trades. Although I only had three trades all day, they were all in the green. Two of them I took advantage of, but one had me sketched out and I bailed way too soon. I was watching all of the EV plays gapping down and this time NIO was my call back through the 40 level. I got in a tad late only to see if flush a bit. I then got out of some shares and eventually sold the rest. Soon after that the stock just ripped and didn’t look back.
Although I had a big miss on NIO, I was able to take some off on BA and COGT. I walked away with $158 on the day.
On December 3, 2020, a Thursday, I took an early trade that didn’t actually trigger which cost me $130 right out of the gate. This FTEK trade was a reminder to not trade crap in the first 5 minutes. I was able to get a little back on FCEL, but it was BA that set the day off. I missed the real trade at $228 but managed to find my way into BA at $233. I rode this thing to the highs of the day. Although I got out along the way, I did manage to have a sell at the top. $242 was the high of the day and I had a sale of 5 shared right there. It felt good. Only if I had 100 shares at that point.
The day concluded with some vaccine noise on the news. People were getting into MRNA and I missed it, but I did manage to catch over a point on NVAX. A quick trade, but worth it. I ended the day at $471. It was one of the better days in the past month. I’m humbled and proud of where I am at right now. I will maintain my patience and seek the best trades.
On December 4, 2020, a Friday, I had a tough act to follow from the previous day. It turned out to be a great day of trading with a lot of singles. Although I missed a home run on SBE, I did hit some nice trades to give me a nice boost. The day started with the biggest trade on CIIC. It was a tough trader but it did give me a full point. It was too bad it flushed my entry because soon after it to new highs.
I was able to grab LMND, TSLA, CIIC, DOCU, and YQ. I love trading IPO’s at times. They can really set up and give you a clean move. I ended the day at $274.
On December 7, 2020, a Monday, things got off to an interesting start with so much to watch. I missed a bunch and caught some. I definitely missed more than I caught. Stocks like TSLA and ROKU were on my radar, but I couldn’t find my way into them.
I did like SBE, CIIC, and QS. I got out of my CIIC trade before I allowed it to work, while my QS trade gave me a point. This we definitely a nice trade I wish I had more size on. I ended the day with a gain of $242. Although it could have been a lot better, I’m still happy with some of the trades I took.
On December 8, 2020, a Tuesday, I was able to get away from the market with one awesome trade. Although I was looking for more, it was TSLA that did all of the heavy lifting today. The trade was with 100 shares and I made $405 on a 10 point TSLA move. Not great, but I’ll take it.
On December 9, 2020, a Wednesday, I found myself making some decent trades in the morning. I really liked YQ, but jumped in early and got washed out. It then triggered and I missed it. I did have one of those days, but I was able to get something out of it. I found a trade in the IPO PUBM, which gave me $100. I also found myself back in QS, even in the pre-market. I was up $275 at one point, but I took some in range trades near the end of the day. This cost me just under $200, which was something I’ve should have never done. I ended the day with $100.
On December 10, 2020, a Thursday, the slow start came back with a lame gap trade on SLS. Why I took this trade made no sense. Later in the day, this stock setup like I thought it would. It actually went up 8 points from where I traded it.
I was able to find HCAC and EDIT today for a total of about $500. The EDIT trade size was disappointing since this was the trade of the day and I dropped from 400 to 200 shares. This was clean trading and at one point today I was in three trades at once. It was awesome. This was the first time I was in three trades at the same time. Unfortunately, I got greedy and went after the AIRBNB IPO. ABNB got me for $80. I did end the day well up for $360.
On December 11, 2020, a Friday, I got off to a rough start trading MRNA. I really hate that stock. It had a lot of momentum on the day and thought it would run, but it cost me. I then traded an RVP trade that cost me another $100. Then Disney set up nicely for me. I took 500 shares on a 10 point mover. It was a beautiful trade that I sold most of my shares way too soon. I had a couple of minor mistakes later on but was hesitant as well. I walked with $50 on the day. I had a great week and this seemed a little anti-climactic, but the come back with DIS showed the action was good.
On December 15, 2020, a Tuesday, I had no business trading what I saw. I had bad timing on several trades and I found myself down over $1000. I ended the day down $512 with a lot of fighting. I started to feel good about my trades and was taking advantage of them. It was a rough day, but I will be back tomorrow ready to go.
On December 18, 2020, a Wednesday, I found myself coming into a three-day losing streak. I nailed to two entries today with not significant share size and pulled in $502. These were two nice trades that were in my wheelhouse and conviction was high. It was a rough three days and getting off the Schneid was huge. I plan to carry the momentum into tomorrow and next week.
On December 19, 2020, a Friday, was really wild action on the market. I was able to take a few trades on TSLA and QS and finished the day green. The two TSLA trades were equivalent to over $200. I traded small and was hesitant on trades I should have been taking. Next week, I’m hoping to get back to business even with a short week.
On December 21, 2020, a Monday, I was able to find a couple of really nice trades. Although I missed a lot, I felt comfortable with the day I had. QS was the beast of the day and I caught a small piece, but LAZR, I was able to nail for $459.
The good news is, I got my scanner adjusted and it was alerting some great trade ideas. I will continue to see how it does going forward. I ended the day with $654. It felt way better than last Monday.
On December 22, 2020, a Tuesday, the markets were cranking again. So many missed opportunities and overwhelmed by the price action. It was just one of those days. I ended with $193 on the day trading QS, PUBM, THCB, and a few others. I need to press the button.
On December 24, 2020, a Thursday, which was also Christmas Eve, I was able to walk away with a little change in my pocket. Although a few setups came my way, I missed some bigger moves on RMG. I’ll take my $79 and look forward to trading next week.
On December 29, 2020, a Tuesday, I found myself in a low volume market with only a few stocks to look at. My inside bar method worked out really well on PDD which unfortunately I didn’t take. I was able to take a few trades in LMND. I did end the day at $303.
On December 31, 2020, a Thursday, and the last day of 2020 got off to a faulty start. Fortunately, I was able to fight back and take on some great trades. I probably should have gone green today, but not pressing the button cost me in the end. I’m looking forward to what 2021 will offer.
Here is a look at my equity curve for December 2020. It shows the early growth, stumbles, and fightback. I’m looking to break out to new highs in 2021.
After my nice November 2020, I was really excited for December. I don’t think I nailed it out of the park or anything, but I’m taking the knowledge from 2020 and kicking into high gear in 2021. I look forward to helping others out even more. The daytrading journey shall continue.
Updated – Check out my tips for daytrading in 2021.